The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131549   Message #2976927
Posted By: Will Fly
31-Aug-10 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Traditional singer definition
Subject: RE: Traditional singer definition
if i sing one of my self penned songs ,i am no longer a singer of traditional songs ,but as soon as i sing a traditional song i become one again, if i decide to sing a cw song i become a cw singer[even if i dont do it very well]likewise if i choose to sing a blues i become a blues singer [even if i am not a good one]

I can't quite put my finger on it, but there appears to be a sort of false logic to this. I can't believe that we all cease to be something while we're temporarily indulging in doing something else. My main instrument is guitar, but I also play mandolin, fiddle, blues harp, keyboard, bass, Appalachian dulcimer, etc., in varying degrees of competency. When I'm playing mandolin at a session, I don't suddenly stop being a guitarist - I'm a guitar player who's playing mandolin at a session.

I don't believe we're suddenly transmogrified because we venture down a different path. If I had to categorise myself as a singer, it would be as a singer of material from the 1900s to the 1930s - from all sorts of sources. If I sing a traditional folk song of unknown origin, it doesn't change into something else. I exist as an entity quite outside the things I choose to do.