The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94430   Message #2976986
Posted By: chrisgl
31-Aug-10 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Life of a Drover (Packie Byrne)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Life of a Drover (Packie Byrne)
Here's an ABC of the tune I'm using based on the BBC program. That version was not used to sing the lyric, rather it was played in the background whilst the words were read. The 2nd part of the tune was something of a jig and I've had to simplify it tho' not totally successfully to my ear so far.
    %Harmony/Melody File to ABC Vers 3.0.2 April 1998-March 2009
    %Written by Guillion Bros. on a Chris Walshaw format
    %Please e-mail us your comments and bugs reports :
    %Tuesday, August 24, 2010 19:38:52

X:1    %Music
T:Life of a Drover    %Tune name
C:    %Tune composer
N:    %Tune infos
Q:1/4=55    %Tempo
V:1    %
    %!STAVE 0 'Voice' @
    %!INSTR 'Piano 1[Ch1]' 0 0 @
M:6/8    %Meter
L:1/8    %
(D/D/)G (G/A/)B (D2 |
w:I- am a-n old dro-
w:When the we-a-ther is raining,
E)F3/2 G/A C2 |
w:ver, I earn my pay
w:the jou-ney is long
(B,/C/)D D(B,/C/) DD |
w:By- tram-ping thi-s coun-try
w:And the ca-ttle ge-t foot-sore
(B,/(C/)D) (G(A) G2) |
w:a-ll o---ver
w:a-nd la---zy,
(D/D/)(G (G/)A/)B D3/2D/ |
w:With- no-whe-re to stop at
w:Then I he-lp them a-long with
EF3/2 G/A C2 |
w:the end of the day
w:an old dro-ving song
(B,/C/)D D(B,/C/) DD |
w:Fo-r that is the- life of
w:And I hu-stle the-m care-ful
(B,/C/)D (G(F) G2) |
w:a- dro---ver.
w:a-nd ea---sy
w:And o-ver the high-ways
w:And when at the end Mis-
A(B/c/) dc B2 |
w:and bye- ways I plod
w:ter De-ath comes a-round
(F/_E/)D D(B,/C/) DD |
w:My- clothes are a-ll ta-ttered
w:To- tell me my- days are
(B,/C/)D DC D2 |
w:my- feet are ill shod
w:a--ll o-v-er,
D/D/(G-(G/A/)B DD |
w:But there is-n't a road-way
w:As they bu-ry my bones six
EF3/2 G/A C2 |
w:that I hav-en't trod,
w:feet deep in the ground
(B,/C/)D D(B,/C/) DD |
w:Be-ing for-ty five- su-mmers
w:My- ghost will a--ppear-
(B,/(C/)D) (GF) G2 |]
w:a- dro---ver.
w:as-a dro---ver.
V:2    %
    %!STAVE 0 'Tune' @
    %!INSTR 'Piano 1' 1 4000 @
M:6/8    %Meter
L:1/8    %
DG G/A/B D2 |
EF3/2 G/A C2 |
B,/C/D DB,/C/ DD |
B,/C/D GA G2 |
DG G/A/B D2 |
EF3/2 G/A C2 |
B,/C/D DB,/C/ DD |
B,/C/D GF G2 |
AB/c/ dc B2 |
F/_E/D DB,/C/ DD |
B,/C/D DC D2 |
DG G/A/B D2 |
EF3/2 G/A C2 |
B,/C/D DB,/C/ DD |
(B,/(C/)D) (GF) G2 |]
    %End of file