The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2977011
Posted By: Slag
31-Aug-10 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
The fallacy which you use to paint all Christians as wackoes(sic) is that of attributing what may be true of the part to the whole, Greg F. It is a favorite tactic of those who are long on opinion and short on fact.

Your focus is on a tiny, tiny minority of either dubious or non-existent religious affilliation and for whom a vast, and I mean vast majority of folks of the Christian faith would and do denounce and for whom they hold the same opinion as perhaps you do for those INDIVIDUALS who perpetrate crimes or openly display hatred for a group or minority, you know, kinda the same way you do toward Christians.