The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2977033
Posted By: Stringsinger
31-Aug-10 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Many Christians, Jews and Muslims alike must realize that what they believe will not work for everyone. Sharia Law, Talmudic Law, Christian Dispensationalism,etc, are not applicable to everyone and when they become enforced on everyone, then they become tyrannical.
Reasonable religious people understand this and obey their laws in accordance to their faith and not others. This central point is missing from the reactionary stance to the building
of Park51.

John Stewart did an excellent job exposing Talal, the Arabic financier of both the cultural
center and Fox News (with Murdoch). The hypocrisy was made clear. It is a manufactured
political time by Fox News and the Tea Party who are stirring up discontent for the next election. Dick Armey and Americans for Prosperity headed up by Art Pope, James C. Miller,
James E. Stephenson, and Frayda Levy. These are the culpable ones who are stirring up the hatred for political reasons. People on Mudcat need to know who these behind-the-scenes players are and what their political agenda is. Unfortunately for Obama, the appear to be succeeding but they are the maggots under the rock and light has to be shone on them.