The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2977034
Posted By: Bobert
31-Aug-10 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
As a Christain, my problem is with the Christain Right which has tried to promote itself as representing "Christains"... It doesn't but it ceratinly wrecked hovoc in alot of churches and drove lots of good, decent and caring Christain's outta lots of Christain churches...

Worst part is that alot of the splittin' of churches came from very bad behavior of those on the right side of the divide... I mean, who wnats to go to chucrh to have some holier-than-thou political nutball scream at you... I watched the church I grew up in be taken over by idealoques who ran not only the minister but half the congregation with him... I was 18 and those memories will never, ever leave me...

Reminds me of the town hall meetings last summer that were rudely interupted when moderate and soft-soken people wer bullied and shouted down...

IM(most)HO, real Christains shouldn't act like that but, hey, people's Faith is a persoanl thing and so I'm not gonna say these rude folks are not of Faith... Just ain't the way Jesus would want people to behave in church...
