The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2977558
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Sep-10 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Bobert: "The problem, as I see it, is that with the Repubs being so dependent of the narrow minded following that they have brough along that, if in power, these Repubs wouldn't have the courage to styand up to these highly emotional gun totin' "true believers" so the Repubs wouldn't say to the Dems, "Let's sit down and see if we can work this out", much as the Dems tried over and over to do with the repubs..."

Bobert: ". Yeah, given that Bill Clinton was part of this 30 year assault on the New Deal it's awfully hard to hold one's nose and for for Dems... No, make that vote against Repubs..."

Ok, ok, enough of this nonsensical dribble,(or drivel, as you may prefer)

You think its Democrats, versus Republicans, in regards to the long term, right?

Let's go through a little history, as of recent, to check this out!

Yay, Obama brings the troops home, and ends the 'combat role'.....

...that Bush started(or continued), and 'helped out) with the surges...

.....To help end a war that we had no business in, in the first place...

.....that was 'justified' because Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction....

...that we KNEW about...because, WE HAD THE RECEIPTS,......

....because when Irag was at war with Iran, and when Carter was President, we sold them to Saddam.....who was Sunni, and the Sunnis and Shiites were at war, (Iraq's current regime is Shiite).....

....and Saddam was OUR boy(then), and the Iraqis kidnapped our guys at the embassy.....

.....While Former CIA head, BEFORE and while he was V.P.,H.W.Bush was 'helping the Contras in Central America, by trading weapons for coke.......

.....Which got found out by the Iraqis, who found the documents, at the embassy, so they tortured to death Buckley, head of CIA covert operations worldwide, under Carter, and Buckley spilled his beans... we were blackmailed to deliver the 40 tractor towed missiles to Iraq, to be used against the Iran's Sunnis........

....and when Reagan assumed office, everyone thought that the hostages were released, because they feared his 'Bad Ass'....

....but it was under Carter the deal was struck....

....and the release was made to coincide, with the Ronnie's inauguration...

....Who helped negotiate a cease fire between the two.....

....So, Now H.W. Bush can invade Iran, (Desert Storm), and leave Saddam in power....

...and leaves it for W. Bush, to invade.....

..crush Saddam, and remove the Sunnis from power....THEREFORE......

......Accomplishing what Iraq was fighting them for......

...and Now is against Israel, and it's concern about Iraq having nukes....

....and violating U.N. policies.....

...that we allegedly are soft about reinforcing.....

....mind you, that the Shah of Iran (our boy,)rose to power, in 1941-79, under both party's hearty assistance, including weapons etc etc......


What is this?..Let's be small week???
