The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2978135
Posted By: Donuel
01-Sep-10 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Some of us do live in the United States of Amnesia.

If and when it happens

Despite the complete virtual amnesty that has been given the banks, Bond rating Companies, Mortgage Companies, Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and most private war profiteering companies,
I forsee investigations and allegations of the Obama administration by Republicans that will make white water blow job Clinton investigations look like a parking ticket.

They have already publicly promised to do so.

On the chopping block will be reforms, regulations and staff, social justice organizations, Social Security, Medicare, teachers, Dept of Education and even public education itself by abolishing the last two years of public high school and replacing it with costly private schools. Yes that is a Republican proposal.

A possible hot border war with Mexico could erupt or even a nuclear explosion for which curiously no one will claim respondsibility.

On the certain favorite list will be permanent tax cuts down to near zero for the ludicrously wealthy. They will use that money to stimulate the economy in China, Malaysia, Vanatu and the American off shore corporate offices which are also tax free.

Once Government is decapitated and all regulations abolished they will be able to prove that private corporations like Walmart are more effective than FEMA, the National Guard and every other goverment dept. designed to help the homeless swarms of American peasants during natural disasters which will increase as a result of burgeoning climate changes.

Once malnutrition, unemployment and homelessness reaches 35%, labor will again be as cheap as it is in China and without a minimum wage people can go back to work for $20 a day and live in freedom work zones similar to army barracks. In the better freedom work zones, homes will be aged FEMA trailers.

All the foreclosed homes will be demolished or flipped by bank conglomerates and rented out as multi family faith homes. Speaking of Banks the last 3000 small banks (Nearly 2,000 have already been closed) will be closed leaving exactly 5 banks in the country.

Despite the Citizens United ruling allowing secret corporations to donate money with no limits to Republican candidates, more laws disallowing union money or internet money to go to Democratic candidates without first filling out dozens of forms which will serve like a mine field few will ever navigate without getting blown up.

Worst of all a pall will come over the nation for the fear of baseless annonymous accusations falling upon the necks of Democrats who once spoke out against republicans or Fox nes with no legal remedy or day in court. It will take the form of IRS penalties, sex abuse child abuse charges, property seizures, obscure fines, termination of services without cause etc.

The prison corporations will become more profitable as well as the free labor manufacturing factories behind their walls which will outpace private industries outside of the prison industrial complex.
Prisoners will strive to go to a Gucci or Lee Jeans prison rather than the Sylvania or Delco prison.

And finally the Republicans will find a war to win decisively as Reagan did . We will invade and reliberate Grenada to establish the largest golf course in the world connected by hotels so one could concievably golf from one end of the country to the other without ever leaving the course.