The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2978147
Posted By: Donuel
01-Sep-10 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Republicans will deliver an ultimatum to Iran.
In no uertain terms Iran will be told that we will not lift the most extreme sanctions ever levied against a soverign nation unil they relinquish ALL nuclear ambitions. They will be promised that once they do, we will lift the sanctions thus allowing them to have an economy as robust and wonderful as the United States of America.

Iran responds, "Are you kidding? Your economy is behind China, India, Germany and Vanatu! We prefer to stick with China, France and Russia. If you want to pursue this further go ahead, bring it on."

Republicans: "Oh yeah? Did you see what we did to Iraq? We have a green zone there now! "

Iran: "yes we came we saw we conquered. .... Iraq is a defacto Iran now"

Republicans: "Oh yeah? "

Iran: yep

Republicans: Liar! Were gonna double your sanctions and then were gonna tell Isreal on you.

Iran: "Isreal who?"