The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2978872
Posted By: Stringsinger
02-Sep-10 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
GfS the musicians union is a guild union, not a worker's union. For years they have been under the watchful eye of people like Petrillo. (Closely aligned with the mob boss mentality).

The musician's union has done some things for it's workers, though. It has provided a living wage for symphonic musicians and some in class A night clubs. It doesn't find jobs for musicians but in a situation where a corporation tries to screw a musician, it often
goes to bat for them and helps them.

A musician in the South today is under Taft-Hartley which invalidates unions.

Unions were responsible for the rise of the Middle Class during FDR's time. The Wagner Act saved many a worker from poverty.

Reagan undermined the unions. Joblessness started under his watch. Then, you saw the rise of homelessness in America.

There are different kinds of unions but trade-unionism
is essential to American industry. That's right, what American industry? It's not here because trade unionism which built the industrial base in America has been weakened.
If industry leaders decided to flee to exploit workers in other countries, a strong union
could act as incentive against this by boycotts, publicity, and shutting down non-union
shops in the U.S. owned by foreign industrial or transnational corporations. They could promote higher tariff's on imports from exploiters like China. Unions are useful.

Not only would a Repub Admin gut unions, they would also gut public education. Jefferson would not be pleased. Privatized education has been shown not to be better
than public education in terms of results. Privatized education would make it less available to everyone unless you could afford it. Everyone else would be dumbed-down.

The war machine would totally take over. There's money in human bloodshed.
Cargill, Blackwater (Xe), Brown and Root, etc. to say nothing of the participation of
the "iron triangle" involving the Pentagon. Permanent war anyone?

I'll bet that crime waves go up. There will be more guns on the street.

The rise of survivalist home-grown militias will be free to practice Nazism or
other fanatic reactionary means of oppression.

In case of another Katrina, forget it. You see what happened last time?

Religious freedom will be attacked including the right not to believe.

You think there's a problem with reaction against Muslims now? Wait until
Beck, McConnell, Boener and others are in power.

Repub Admin spells Nightmare in America.