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Thread #131682   Message #2979347
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
03-Sep-10 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Bobert: "What next??? GfinS invented the internet with Al Gore???"

No, Gore, the Democrapic politician is and was capable of inventing his own lies!...Like the rest of them.....such as:

Isn't it time for some truth and ethics, Democrats?

Bill Clinton lied about having sex with Monica Lewinsky.

Hilary Clinton misspoke about being fired on in Bosnia.

John Edwards lied about having an affair and denied having a "love child."

Blumenthal misspoke about his Vietnam service.

Charlie Rangel charged with ethics violations.

Maxine Waters charged with ethics violations.

Rod Blagojevich convicted of lying to the FBI.

Michael Bennet — "The nation has racked up $13 trillion in debt and has nothing to show for it." This is the same Michael Bennet who voted for all the big spending bills put forth by Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

...and that's just for starters.......OH, and the Republicunts have their list as well!!

Mouser: "The filthy rich of our day are doing their best to destroy the American middle class. It will bite them in the ass, eventually. In the meantime a lot of us will suffer. I mean suffer. A lot."

As long as there are 'overseas markets', the 'filthy rich' would throw the American middle class, under the bus, in a New York second. None the less, does anyone know why there is a need for Federal Employee Unions? Wasn't the government 'suppose' to be assuring equality, and fairness anyway??

There was a time, for the need for unions and collective bargaining, as still is to some degree, However, back then, they started with 'guilds', of craftsmen and journeymen, who knew their trade, and were proficient at their particular skills. Today, if you go for employment in a 'union shop' you don't have to know shit....just pay your dues...In the case of Federal Employee Unions, the amounts to a double tax. When the unions donated $52,000,000 to campaign funds, in the last election, there were certainly 'favors' to repay....wouldn't you at least admit, that that was $52,000,000 NOT going to the benefits of the union's rank and file??? ...but rather, using their pensions, medical etc etc for being a 'special interest?...and in fact, adds to the list of CORRUPTION, for the politicians, instead of representing the best interests, and well being of their constituents?

I'm sure some twisted rationalizations based on party politics, will skew that answer, too!!!