The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2981080
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Sep-10 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Ah, see, the KEY to becoming unpopular in fairly short order is simply to get elected! ;-) Yessiree. Because once you have been elected it usually becomes fairly plain to the public within a year or two that you have let them down very badly, and it's inevitable you would have, because you don't really work for the public!!!

No. You work for the rich elite who funded the last election (on both sides, of course) and who determine what you will do once you're in power, all through the power of their money. If their policies wreck the economy for most ordinary people, they will have you bail out their primary business entities and the game will go on.

So if you want to become really, really unpopular...despised and even is how to do it: Run for high office as either a Democrat or a Republican. Get elected on a surge of new hope and popularity. Then start serving your rich pals who paid for that expensive campaign by doing what they require of you. Go fight a couple of foreign wars and find new ways to bleed away the public's money so that almost everyone soon ends up worse off than ever. In no time they'll really hate you. ;-) It will then be time for someone very much like you (inwardly, but not outwardly, that is) to step forward on behalf of the other party and stick his neck in the same declining popularity noose yours was just in while you go off quietly to write your memoirs and speak at expensive public functions for a hefty fee. ;-)

Who could resist that? Hell, it's worth being hated and despised a little, isn't it?