The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2981512
Posted By: Bobert
07-Sep-10 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Spoken like a true Republican, GfinS... That is the Reagan model for everything... Less government, more privatizaion and Katie-bar-the-door 'cause Boss Hog ain't had enough of having his way with ya'...

I mean, you should hear yerself, GfinS...

Do you have a clue how much money the wealthy are just sittin' on now??? Like most of it... That money is just collectin' dust yet you want to channel even more of it to them using that bogus, "everyone-is-corrupt" crap as yer shield... Meanwhile, while you are busy disassembling the federal government, the poverty and homeless rates are going to skyrocket... Perhaps you have a plan for that??? I mean, one really great thing that we as a people do is respect our elderly... Maybe you ain't been to too many nursing homes but well over half the folks in them wouldn't be in them if it wasn't for the federal government paying for their care...

(Well, Boberdz... That's why we call is "personal responsibility"... Them people should have made more money and planned better for their old age...)

So, what you gonna do, GfinS... Put old people out on the streets???

BTW, what is your Republican plan for health care??? Just let the young eat-drink-and-be-merry until they gat to be 50 or so and then need more health care but never really put any peas in the pot until they were sick and least able to afford it???

(Well, Boberdz... Those people shouldn't be able to do that... Had they been "persoanlly responsible" in the first place they would have had insurance...)

And just where do you suggest that the "mouldy working class" get the money for that and all the other high priced luxaries, like transportation, food, housing... You know, all them extravagant things... I mean, where do they get the $$$, GfinS... With 30 years of union busting the "mouldy working class" hasn't seen any real advances in their wages since 1982... Many have actually seen a decline now that Boss Hog sees that there is a perfect storm for him to exploit his workers and is making them pay more for their health insurance (%-wise) than at any time in the last 40 years...

Yeah, scream "both sides are corrupt" while Boss Hog breaks down your door and bends you over... Might of fact, Boss Hog's favorite song is "Both Sides Blues"... Puts a twinlkle in his eye when he hears it... His PR folks love it too 'cause they are the ones who taught to the folks who parrot it...
