The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25418   Message #298152
Posted By: Micca
15-Sep-00 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Best book you ever read.
Subject: RE: Best book you ever read.
Hesperis and Morty, the Josephine Tey book about Richard III is called "The Daughter of Time" from the proverb "Truth is the daughter of time"
As for my own faves, The Triumph of the Moon by Prof. Ronald Hutton is engaging me at the moment, but my favourites vary with time, mood and need, I read certain books over as a sort of comfort, if I have flu' or something and others for Information, but the one thing that is clear is that books, and access to books is essential, a contributing factor when I moved here was its proximity to a Public Library, and my wife constanly wishes I would "thin out " the book collection, but I am resisting.