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Thread #131682   Message #2981645
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Sep-10 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Bobert: "Spoken like a true Republican, GfinS... That is the Reagan model for everything... Less government, more privatizaion and..."

I guess you'd like the Federal government to even wipe your ass, too!

"....Maybe you ain't been to too many nursing homes but well over half the folks in them wouldn't be in them if it wasn't for the federal government paying for their care..."

Maybe if there was less stupid programs facilitating easy destruction of the family unit, families could take care of their own!..again: 'I guess you'd like the Federal government to even wipe your ass, too!'

Bobert: "Do you have a clue how much money the wealthy are just sittin' on now??? Like most of it... That money is just collectin' dust yet you want to channel even more of it to them using that bogus, "everyone-is-corrupt" crap as yer shield... Meanwhile, while you are busy disassembling the federal government, the poverty and homeless rates are going to skyrocket..."

It sounds like you have a Jones about 'the wealthy'. Wealth is relative, as in, 'One man's ceiling is another man's floor'. Perhaps if the Federal government wasn't pandering to the large corporations, there would be MORE money circulating! The problem is YOU ,and too many people have become DEPENDENT on the very people fucking you over!..but you don't see it, or see it that way. Between the cost of ever rising taxes, and corporate greed, people can barely hold their heads above water. This doesn't have to be, but as long as they continue this cyclical jacking everything up, we, the 'common citizen' are being squeezed to death.....

Bobert: "Well, Boberdz... That's why we call is "personal responsibility"..."

Oh my good Lord, perish the thought...again,'I guess you'd like the Federal government to even wipe your ass, too!'

Bobert: "With 30 years of union busting the "mouldy working class" hasn't seen any real advances in their wages since 1982..."

Just heard today, out of California: California is leading the country on unions losing ground, and people NOT joining unions, or leaving them! True story...NOT that I am totally against unions, but they in fact, like the 'other side', too have grown to big through corruption. Companies cannot afford all their wages and benefits, so the Federal government made 'allowances'(tax breaks, and incentives), for manufacturing to go overseas. WE DO NOT even manufacture all our own military equipment!...and if we needed it for an attack of our own country, we have to import major amounts, from countries whose own interests, would like to see us defeated! Now that makes little sense!...Possibly, in certain respects, we are tugging at the same rope!

Bobert: "Yeah, scream "both sides are corrupt" while Boss Hog breaks down your door and bends you over."....

...No problem for you..You're already grabbing you ankles! So, ask yourselves this simple question: Would you rather be CONTROLLED by the Federal government, or the corporations, THROUGH the federal government??...Actually, I'd rather NOT be CONTROLLED by EITHER!

Bobert: "...Boss Hog's favorite song is "Both Sides Blues"..."

They should know!...They've got the receipts for corrupting BOTH SIDES!!...Jeez! Get a CLUE!

Greg F: "ATTENTION: Tea-Bagger Fake "Fact".

I didn't get that from the 'Tea Baggers'. That is out, through several leading economists....Sorry, if the Tea Bag guys are spouting it too, well at least a broken clock is right, two times a day!

Why are you all so hell-bent on being taxed into dependency, on the jerks who are taxing you so high????...For NOTHING?? The programs we 'borrowed' for SHOULD have been enough, several times over! When we borrow like that, from the Federal Reserve, keep in mind, the interest on those 'loans',, is paid for by our taxes, to the Fed, A 'FOR PROFIT PRIVATE BANKING CORPORATION!!!"

Non compos mentos!