The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25432   Message #298210
Posted By: Tinker
15-Sep-00 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Kid's stuff
Subject: RE: Kid's stuff
Thanks for the memories…

Is this your Kingey in the Middle?


In this game as many seats are placed round the room as will seat all the players but one. This one stands in the middle of the room, repeating the words: "Change seats, change seats"; but no one moves unless he says: "Change seats: the king's come."

Then all must change seats. In the bustle the one standing can generally manage to secure a seat, when the person left out must take his place.

The person in the center may tell a story if he chooses, bringing in the words; "Change seats," occasionally, and sometimes he may say slyly: "The king's not come," when everyone should, of course, remain seated; but some are sure to mistake the words for," The king's come," and jump up, when the center player can slip into a seat.

From: Games for All Occasions, Revised Ed., Mary E. Blain, Grosset& Dunlap@1930.

This great book was a gift from my grandmothers shelves and is now extremely worn. My own boys do know that stepping on cracks could break your mothers back. Hopscotch is still played, but I cringe when I see a ready made rug in catalogs…what happened to chalk or stick lines in the dirt. I remember London Bridge, Blue Bird, I met her in ST Louie, Punchinello….

Five years ago I taught Red Rover to my Brownie Troop (6,7, &8 year olds). Much to my chagrin, (And the other parents who had arrived for pick up and were reminiscing) they informed us the game was violent and rough and they were sure it wouldn't be allowed at school. It just wasn't nice. UGGGGH! They did Learn "What time is it Mr. Fox?" at school.

Other games like Red Light Green Light, and Sharks and Fishes have come home modified into soccer drills by an enterprising local British trainer. Thanks, this was fun.
