The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2982137
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Sep-10 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Well I have to borrow from Akenaton, on this one.

Akenaton: "The evil and deceit engrained in our political system is almost unbelievable, especially to those of us who are "educated" in the workings of said system.
..... so absorbed are we in the divisive minutiae that the system creates."

GfS: Being as we are somewhat at different ends of the spectrum, we both see the same thing. It is astonishing to me that those who are inside the bucket, can't see anything but 'in the bucket'!..Get outside the bucket, and one can see it a bit better!

Akenaton: "It truly amazes me, that most people on this forum still hold on to the outdated ideology of left versus right"

GfS: Yeppers! The hokey argument is just street theater!

Akenaton: "So much hatred for your fellow much energy expended to defend an obviously failing system"

GfS: I remember, as a youngin', my Mom, hating this song, much like we dislike, rap(perhaps), and said the message was very destructive. I sorta liked the song, but many of the people of the day LOVED it. I think they never got out of that mindset, till they were older, and realized that they had squandered a huge potion of their lives...and, of course, it was too late(they felt) being as this is a musical forum, let's take a trip to the past...and see if momma was right....I mean would you, who have children encourage them to embrace the lyrics into their bosom????

only practical...for nostalgia's sake!

Better sound quality so you can remember

...and so shortsightedly, a generation of spoiled brats, got older....