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Thread #131682   Message #2982913
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Sep-10 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Little Hawk: "What "health care reform" turned into, Bobert, was a financial windfall for the private health insurance industry,....."

I argued that very point, in here, when the bill was coming up for a vote.

Yes, a GOOD health care bill WOULD HAVE BEEN great....but this hokey re-incarnation of the remnant of a 'heath care' bill,is more destructive both to our FREEDOMS, and probably not too great for your health, as well!

Little Hawk, I read the link you posted...very interesting. I thank you for it! It's just another confirmation, of what I've been thinking, and expressing on here...but, alas, usually on deaf ears.

In an earlier post, I mentioned that we had a great system, and you sorta took exception to that. I think you misunderstood what I meant. The key word was 'HAD'. The system was originally founded to insure our FREEDOMS from tyranny, and guaranteed personal FREEDOMS, as long as ones 'WILL' did not infringe on another's RIGHTS. When I look out there, both business and Government do exactly that!..Impose their 'wills' on our 'rights' ...though the game they use, is to make it sound as if our 'rights' are granted by them! Our rights, inalienable rights, are given to us by 'Our Creator'..not by government, not by corporations, and certainly NOT by the lies perpetuated by both, to give us the 'illusion' that they are the givers, and not the takers(away)!! However, the baiting enticements that they dangle in front of us, are designed to have us RELINQUISH our personal freedoms, in trade for some 'benefit' that we didn't really need, due to the fact, that we give up personal responsibility, and that includes, the responsibility, to not have ALLOWED, through compromise, this whole mess, to get out of control...OUR control. They offer lame solutions, for the mess they created in the first place, then 'sugar coat' it, and make it sound as if, they are insuring us of a new extension of some 'right'!...Its ALL bullshit!! ..and the more they are exposed, the more desperate they become..hence, the 'squeeze' is even MORE upon us!

Those who subscribe to the obsolete notion, that a 'party' can fix it, are living in the past, and CANNOT see the problems accurately, because they spin both the problems, and spin a hard sell an yet, another, guessed it,..'solution'. That goes for health care, the borders, energy, employment, or UN-employment, marriage, families, morality, and the very 'trends' of our culture(past tense). We have become scroungers, for what little is left...AND THAT IS BY DESIGN!!! They want the 'only solution' to be recognized, and to be looked for, is themselves!....That is one big FAT lie! I don't believe it, some of you don't believe it, and others are waiting for an epiphany...but until they get it, well, I guess we have to endure more of the party's line rhetoric!..from both sides.

And that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it....
..unless, of course, THE CREATOR slaps me upside my head, and tells me different. One thing for sure, the truth, cannot be trusted, coming from the body politic! All we get, is 'stereo politicians speaking from both sides of their mouth'!! <<<(original, copyrighted line).

OK, enough rant, for now......
