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Thread #131682   Message #2983223
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Sep-10 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
I think it's possible, Bobert, that Obama had genuine intentions (prior to being elected, I mean) of doing something to provide decent health care coverage for people. He may be a real idealist when it comes to that. Or....maybe it was just a clever campaign ploy by the Democrats to get votes. I don't know. Whichever it was, he was unable to realize the promise of that ideal effectively after getting elected, because the corporate lobbying against it was too powerful. So he ended up with a badly botched and feeble attempt at reforming health care, but he avoided a total defeat which would have pretty much killed his presidency.

GfS - I agree with what you say. Governments would like us to believe that solutions can only come from them, because that secures their power and keeps the public quite helpless. And they work in collusion with the banks and corporations, each washing the other's dirty laundry, and marketing to the lobotomized public. True enough.

On the other hand, governments are inevitable. We cannot have modern societies without governments of some kind in place. We just need far better governments in place than what we presently have. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen, though...because the odds against it happening are enormous. I know that my future depends entirely on me, and that I can't expect much of anything from the government, because that would be like expecting it from Santa Claus.

Anyway, you are essentially correct. The Emperor has no clothes. And he is desperately in need of a bath too. And he should probably be arrested and charged with treason. ;-)   (I'm not referring to Mr Obama, specifically when I say that...I'm referring to the entire ruling system and BOTH the Democratic and Republican Parties. Obama's just the latest presidential "face" the ruling system has put in front of itself like a mask...something for the people to focus on so they don't notice the beast that stands behind it.)