The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131989   Message #2983386
Posted By: Donuel
09-Sep-10 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Burning Korans
Subject: RE: BS: Burning Korans
Extortion plain and simple.

Bigot is a very pointed word that probably applies to Reverend Rearend, but I prefer to call him a ;

Tea Partier
Rush Legionaire
Glen Beckler
fundamentalist fungus
The !/3 of the American PUBLIC THAT IS poorly EDUCATED AND FEARFULLY informed by FOX news.

PS !

Fox news has shown a ticker on the bottom of the screen that has a COUNT DOWN TO KORAN BURNING with a digital clock TICKING down to The second. FOX NEws and Beck are as happy as pigs in shit right now.