The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2983468
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Sep-10 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
That's because they go where the labour is cheapest. It's another way of getting rich(er).

Mousethief - GfS was not saying that Bush passed a health care bill. She was quite clearly saying that Bobert would not say of ANY bill that was passed by the Bush administration that "a BAD bill is better than no bill at all". And she's not defending Bush in so saying. She has criticized Bush and the Republicans as strenuously as she criticizes Obama and the Democrats. She is saying it, I think, to remind Bobert that may be getting caught up in the usual American dilemma: the great bipartisan struggle which dictates that one must always support one of those phony parties, no matter what, and always demonize the other, no matter what. To do that is not to think, but merely to react in a repetitive and predictable manner. One should be able to criticize either party when it misbehaves, and they both misbehave a great deal. I prefer the Democrats to the Republicans (and always have), but I am extremely disappointed in how they caved in to the health insurance industry and allowed that health care bill to be eviscerated by the lobbyists. I'm also extremely disappointed in their continuation of the Afghan war and their general policy in the Middle East. Do I think the Republicans would do even worse? Yeah, most likely they would. But it's the Democrats who are doing it now, so they deserve some criticism for it, in my opinion. You don't deserve to get a free ride just because you are NOT the Republicans... ;-)