The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132046   Message #2983503
Posted By: SINSULL
09-Sep-10 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: Castlebay House Concert at SINSULL's
Subject: Castlebay House Concert at SINSULL's
This was listed on the perma-thread but deserves a thread of its own. And I want to get out the word on our new format.

Saturday October 23rd
Doors open at 7PM
Music starts 7:30 PM or there abouts.

This has been a tough year and some of you know I came very close to having to sell my house. We tried to get more interest in the pot luck but Jacqui, TRUBRIT and I carried the burden. I simply cn't afford to feed 20 people at a concert and ten for breakfast. Add in the cost of paper, plastic and wear and tear on my house and...
Sad but true, we will open at 7PM. Bring wine and desserts. There will be two 45 minute "ACTS". Between them, there will be desserts and coffee or tea while you peruse the CD and book table. Later, a song circle for anyone who chooses to participate. The last three have been amazing.
AM, I will serve coffee. If our performers stay over there will be breakfast at Rudy's. Join us if you like but there will be separate tabs.I will of course cover our performers.
Maybe, if Obama is successful, we can resume the old format but for now it is austerity budget - first rate entertainment and good company.
So who's in for Castlebay? Who needs a bed?