The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2984262
Posted By: Bobert
10-Sep-10 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
No, Dougie... The person who is responsible for the economic woes since Obama has been in office is good ol'...

...George W....

That's the real story here... Face it, the fall of '08 was purdy scarey... The economy was collapsing all around us and folks were, frankly, purdy danged scared that the entire economy was goin' in the crapper...

Obama's folks looked around and saw alot of problem areas... Even Obama said publically that he didn't think he was running for president just to spend his presdiency claening up after Bush...

But that is what he is in the midst of doing...

Of course, the American people are impatient... They have grown up accustomed to the government fixin' stuff and that's what we are in the midst of... Fixin' stuff... Hey, Dougie, it took 3 decades to make this mess so it ain't gonna get cleaned up overnight...

But like most Americans, you think there is a magic wand that fixes everything that is broken...

Well, I hate to tell ya' this, ol' buddy, but that magic wand don't exist...

Paul Krugman is right... You don't fix defecits by diggin' a deeper hole... Extending the tax cuts to the rich, who BTW are just sittin' on piles of cashm ain't goin' fix no deficits... Gonna make 'um worse... Ain't rocket surgery here...

BTW, I was listenin' to some financial program on NPR and they said that some guy is guarenteein' a 1% return on investments and has rich folks lined up at the ddor to plunk their buck there... That's 1%, Dougie... That tells ya' just how much cash the rich are fondlin' if they are lined up to get 1%...
