The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2984350
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-Sep-10 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Bobert: "No, Dougie... The person who is responsible for the economic woes since Obama has been in office is good ol'...
...George W...."

Poppycock!...It started long before him!

Jeez, Are all the Democraps talking points centered around "It was Bush's fault?"...and NO!.I wasn't too crazy about Bush, either, but come on, get real. Whenever I hear a 'liberal' sucker, blabber about "It was all George Bush's fault(like a broken record), it tells me, right off the bat, that this is a moronic, duped parrot! So, come on Bobert, show some better sense. I think you're more intelligent than that!

Amos Lightfoot: " was your friend George W. Obama......"

Inadvertently, you are absolutely CORRECT. Take a bow!!!

Doug R: "I realize most of my liberal friends are concerned and disappointed but I believe the Obama administration misread the political philosophy of the majority of American people."

Correction, if you will: Actually, the Obama administration doesn't give a flying fuck in a Rat's ass about the, "political philosophy of the majority of American people."......or were you just being polite?

Oh, and BOBERT, you want more money for education??..and wonder why it just doesn't help??? Get a load of this CRAP!!!!:

"Half-Billion Dollar Schools Can't Fix American Education
Sept. 10, 2010

At $578 million the Robert F. Kennedy School in Los Angeles is the most expensive public school ever built in America. It features a high-tech swimming pool, vaulted ceilings, a chic auditorium, and countless luxury amenities. This public school was constructed at a time when the district faces a $640 million deficit. Unfortunately, the profligate spending on the Robert F. Kennedy public school is NOT an isolated case. Los Angeles taxpayers are also on the hook for a $232 million Visual and Performing Arts High School as well as the $377 million Edward Roybal Learning Center. Such fiscal excess will NOT improve learning at a time when only 15 percent of 8th graders are proficient in reading and LESS THAN HALF of students graduate high school."

Deomcrap legislature in California has done this, cowboy!...oh, and have screwed that state for decades, with the most ridiculous policies of fiscal irresponsibility!...and that my dear, folkie pal, is the absolute truth!