The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132073   Message #2984588
Posted By: SINSULL
11-Sep-10 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Natural gas explosion in California
Subject: RE: BS: Natural gas explosion in California
A similar explosion happened in Jamaic, Queens, NY in the 60s. Someone reported a gas smell and the fire and police departments went house to house knocking on doors - a doorbell could have set off an explosion. They got everyone out before it went. Fire trucks melted to the greound in the heat and no one died. I have always wondered how they found the courage to stay there and save eveyone in the neghborhood. I could not have gotten out of there fast enough.

Brave men.

The Gas Company in CA. says that if they are found negligent they will pay for everything. How do you pay for a human life or the pain in a burn ward? Very sad and frightening business.