The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2984766
Posted By: Jeri
11-Sep-10 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
I'm not sure I didn't sign the petition/letter thingie already.

What I find remarkable is the way the military is often portrayed by right wing extremists.

My opinion.

When I was active duty:
-We were not Democrat, Republican, or anything else; we were all of them.
-We were not all the same race; there was no race of people on this earth that I didn't work with, or for, and people felt safe enough to talk about their opinions regarding race. Not so much discussion between individuals of different races in the civilian world.
-We were not all the same religion; I worked with atheists, agnostics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Wiccans, and probably a load of others. People chose to talk about their religion or not. It had little to do with the job.

I felt like I worked for Americans, and Americans look like your or I, or they don't. They are still Americans, and they have the same rights as all Americans. One of those is freedom of religion. A person in the military fights for those rights for EVERYBODY, not just the folks they like.