The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2984814
Posted By: Bobert
11-Sep-10 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
And at the risk of rilin' up GfinS, this notion that "spending more money won't fix ____________" is a Repub talkin' point... If they can get an "amen" to that then they have a clear field to suggest cuttin' this or that "domestic" spending... That can be problematic... I mean, there are one boat load of inner city schools that are in crappy condition.... And they are in crappy neighborhoods... Yeah, we were supposed to be desegregating schools but that hasn't quite happened... Bottom line??? Yeah, we have some very lousy underfunded schools with kids from homes that folks here in Mudcat can only imagine...

That is reality...

So along come Mr. Beohner (or yer Repub of choice) and says "Money can't fix everything" and then the folks in the Peanut Gallery's heads start noddin' like them plastic dolls that folks put in the back windows of their cars and next thing ya' know everyone wnats to strip the underfunded, underachieving school of any money at all??? Like shut the sumabich down... We got lotta that going on...

We also have vouchers and charter schools... Charter schools are nuthin' but "scab" run schools with under-certified teachers.... So we are spending tax dollars to "buy" crappy teachers... Okay, that's not exactly fair... Many of the teachers in charter schools are very good... The point is that if a teacher is good then why can't we come up with a system that allows that teacher to teach in a public school??? I mean, that would be some real progress... Might of fact, why not pay them a little more and put them into that underfunded, underachieving public school in the "hood"??? Serious business... We should be lookin' at those kinds of things...

Yeah, the Teacher's Union don't wnat no "scab" teacher no matter how good he/she is but, hey... Like I have said, we gotta think outside the box here...

BTW, thinkin' outta the box, I been rethinking Huxley's "Brave New World" and I think we are either there or very close to being there and we are failin the "epsilons" because they just don't get it, they don't want to get it and their mamma and daddies have bought into the story that education ain't worth a flip so...

... here's a novel idea... How about expanding the Job Corps about 10 fold and when Johnny ain't learned squat by the 8th grade and he's in the back of the classroom with a needle and some ink making tatoos on himself then rather than try to get Johnny to the 9th grade why not just send him on to learn a trade???

(Horrors, Boberdz... What??? You gonna just give up on Johnny???)

No, I'm not... I'm going to give him some skills so he doesn't think that breakin' into my barn, stealin' my prized Stihl chainsaw and sellin' it for $50 ain't like Johnny's career choice...

I mean, college ain't fir everyone and these days, high school might not be either... Job Corps gives kids other info... Like balencing a checkbook... Like fillin' out an application... You know... Life skills that aren't being taught to Johnny in a high school settin'...

There, GfinS... Lot there fir you to pick on... Have at it... lol...
