The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2985114
Posted By: Stringsinger
12-Sep-10 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
"Greg, rather than "Jewisist", try the word "Zionist", or "Zionism" for a sort of parallel. This was, and I suppose one would say "is", a religio/political movement, heavily influenced by Communism or at least Socialism, and was a leading factor in the struggle to create Israel--not really typically for religious reasons. A large part of that movement's advocates were doctrinaire atheists, and as a movement had a positive attitude toward a violent revolutionary, terrorist approach to gain their ends."

Dave, I have to disagree with you here. Zionist is not atheist. Israel was conceived by
scriptural injunction. And it was for religious reasons since Judaism is a religion. If it has been expanded to mean a culture, then it is a culture based on religion. I disagree that many of the movement's advocates were "doctrinaire atheists". This is an opinion and not a fact. Revolutionary or terrorist acts to gain an end is not the province of atheism but generally religious, Stalin, notwithstanding, who was not a true atheist but a ideological leader with early religious training.