The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132098   Message #2985204
Posted By: Wolfhound person
12-Sep-10 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Gathering autumn goodies
Subject: RE: Gathering autumn goodies
I made 5lb of blackberry jam this morning from fruit available within 50 yds of my garden fence. Back in a couple of days for more.
Its blackberry and apple crumble time too, with apples from an ancient Bramley type tree that came with the garden, and there are a few eaters from a Laxton we planted a year ago.

The baby figs are starting to form for next year and I'm looking forward to cherries, pears, plums and sloes as well. The trees were too young this year.

Anyone else got a dog that picks and eats blackberries? Ours does.
