The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2985526
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
13-Sep-10 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Oh Bobert, Either you can't see, for some twisted reason why this:

"At $578 million the Robert F. Kennedy School in Los Angeles is the most expensive public school ever built in America. It features a high-tech swimming pool, vaulted ceilings, a chic auditorium, and countless luxury amenities. This public school was constructed at a time when the district faces a $640 million deficit. Unfortunately, the profligate spending on the Robert F. Kennedy public school is NOT an isolated case. Los Angeles taxpayers are also on the hook for a $232 million Visual and Performing Arts High School as well as the $377 million Edward Roybal Learning Center. Such fiscal excess will NOT improve learning at a time when only 15 percent of 8th graders are proficient in reading and LESS THAN HALF of students graduate high school."

Is not solving ANY educational problems...or you need some professional help! I don't even need your explanation, you will only further embarrass yourself, and you don't need to do that (any more). If you think that this kind of waste is just a Republican 'talking point', and dismiss it at that, perhaps you can tell that to the folks in California, whose state is BROKE! If you can convince them of that, pull that off, maybe you should be the Governor's press secretary!!...Shit, maybe even run for President, and join the list of liars who have gotten away with murder!...phony wars, and bullshit bailouts.....maybe then you can convince the nation that the high unemployment rate is a blessing from the Democraps, and they are really a lot happier, thank they think they are...and re-elect you for a ninth term!
Really, Bobs, come to your senses!

However Regards,