The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131981   Message #2985573
Posted By: Old Vermin
13-Sep-10 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: Anyone for Swanage (UK) 10-12 Sept?
Subject: RE: Anyone for Swanage (UK) 10-12 Sept?
Kitty, thank you and Derek for running the session. Particular thanks to Sue the Border for telling me at Sidmouth that I really should try leading choruses. No threat of perfection, but a vast improvement, anyway, on my previous efforts elsewhere some years ago. Thanks for the support, all, thoroughly appreciated to have people joining in well.

Got there later than I meant to - was doing other things, fleetingly involved in the beginnings of
the 12th September morning incident , then a very quick lunch and diversion via the box-office, so really only caught the tail-end of the session. Mrs V missed it; had an unexpected large batch of race results to do. We did eat at the field & heard Artisan in the church, though. Then to SiL's to talk about SiL's new first grand-child. So a rather long day out.

Could have used getting to the Red Lion earlier of course. That said, what there I was there for was good, as always. Did like the way the bikers at the other end of the bar went very quiet for the rather shy Scots girl singing there for the first time.

Good to now Marion's name and know she runs a club at Andover and to here both of them. I had only known them as a couple who contribute wonderful things round the fire at Singfest / ex-Choirfest in Surrey. That voice!