The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39471   Message #2986300
Posted By: Tannywheeler
14-Sep-10 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Rock Island Line (from Leadbelly)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rock Island Line (Leadbelly)
"If you want to ride it, got to ride it like you find it.."
"I may be right an' I may be wrong, but gal ya gonna miss me when
   I'm gone..."
"Oh, the Rock Island line it is a mighty good road.
Oh, the Rock Island line it is the road to ride...

The narration is about the fact that only agricultural products could go through wi/out paying a fee. So the:
"I got cows, I got pigs, I got sheep, I got hawssiz(horses)--
I got all livestock; I got all livestock;"
After the train has been cleared to pass & is going on its way the answer changes to:
"I fooled you; I fooled you! I got all pig iron; I got all pig
   iron!"(train is hauling ore.)
This is the way I remember these parts of this song--Leadbelly version. Tw