The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16301   Message #2986520
14-Sep-10 - 09:00 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I'm Just a Country Boy
Subject: RE: Origins: I'm Just a Country Boy
G'DAY from W.A , Pamela and Mike. I too heard it whilst driving to work on Macca's radio show last Sunday and it totally blew me away. It's the sweetest love song that a lot of ordinary guys (most of us) can relate to . Maybe all we Aussies should " JUST ASK MACCA" where we can get a download from, because ABC RADIO has obviously got it, unless MACCA was spinning some dodgy vinyl down by the banks of the old Murrumbidgee in the early hours. And also a big thank you to "Rich-Joy for all the correct information on this subject .