The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131842   Message #2986885
Posted By: Joybell
14-Sep-10 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Phrases that don't travel
Subject: RE: BS: Phrases that don't travel
We don't use "regular" for coffee here in Aus. Neither :-) do we use "sunny-side up" nor "over easy" -- for eggs.
I use quite a few colourful American phrases just because I like them and True-Love uses many Auzzie ones.
One big difference I noted in the U.S. was the fact that using "please" at the end of my order confused people. Thank you when you got your food was usual.
I'm not suggesting that Americans are any less polite. In fact, if anything, I found them more courteous.   
As children we were trained to say "please" before we got anything. As in --
"Can I have an apple?"
"What do you say?"
Cheers, Joy