The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132152   Message #2987095
Posted By: Will Fly
15-Sep-10 - 07:16 AM
Thread Name: Re. Dynamics
Subject: RE: Re. Dynamics
OK, David - but the question still remains: Do you believe that traditional songs or tunes make relatively little use of dynamics? I know from experience that, where folk material has been notated, either in standard notation or in abc, there's usually nothing or next to nothing in the way of performance dynamics indicated.

But actual performance is a different matter, and many singers and instrumentalists use all sorts of degrees of light and shade in a live situation. Which, to me, is as it should be. After all, if we tell a story, we use dynamics in the telling to enhance the tale. I don't think a sung ballad need be different from that. Do you?

As far as dynamics where performing tunes is concerned, it shouldn't be a ceaseless "diddly-diddly" (or whatever). Even when playing for dancing, our band - though it keeps a strict and proper tempo for the dancers - can ease back or push forward with the sound. Changing from, say, a tune in D major to one in E minor (such as "Morrisons") can subtley alter the feel of the set.

So, it exists, but perhaps in a less formal way than in written classical music.