The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132075   Message #2987182
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy, should be working
15-Sep-10 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst part of a power outage is...
Subject: RE: BS: Worst part of a power outage is...
On this night I decided to get a meal from the local well-known Harry Ramsden Fish and Chip shop/restaurant with a good reputation for convenience, it was only around the corner from the house. There was a huge queue in there filled right up to the door with people just wanting a ready meal, late workers etc. Although the chip shop was good the waiting time was a nightmare generally. A few had been served and a lot of people's were in the middle of being fried. It was at it's busiest time and all the lights suddenly went out, the fryers went out of operation the assistants couldn't do anything and the fact that the fat was still hot was a bit of a safety issue. Then in the dark they had to try to give the all the people back their money, and I am talking expensive chips, it was pandemonium. Lots of Harry Ramsdens have gone from different counties now, the only one I know still running is the one in Plymouth and I think in the North of England this disaster put the final nail in the coffin for ours, it was already losing money and threatening to go. I really felt sorry for staff working there because they had been treated so shabbily as it was and on top of that a lot of monies worth of food had been wasted.