The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126285   Message #2987768
Posted By: Slag
16-Sep-10 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
Subject: RE: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
"Your Honor, my client pleads 'NOT GUILTY' by reason of insanity!"

"Uh, let's see...Oh this is the bango, er, banjo assualt case, right?"

"Well, yes, er no, it wasn't the case he assualted your Honor."


"No your Honor, it was a banjo."

"Oh, I see, he assualted a banjo? That doesn't seem to serious."

"No your honor. My client is accused of using a banjo to assault another person."

"Oh? Who's banjo was it?"

"It belongs to my client, your Honor."

"Alright then: Not guilty by reason of insanity. Next case please."