The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39471   Message #2988510
Posted By: Dave Hanson
17-Sep-10 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Rock Island Line (from Leadbelly)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rock Island Line (Leadbelly)
This is the intro by the man himself, I'm listening to it now,

That Rock Island train outa New Orleans coming back this a way, that depot agent gonna throw that switch board over the track, that means that Rock Island Line train gotta go into hold, that man don't wanna stop that train, he's gonna talk to the depot agent with his whistle, and this is what he's gonna tell him, ' I got cows, I got horses, I got hogs, I got sheep, I got goats, I got all livestock, I got all livestock, I got all livestock,' that depot agent gonna let that train by, when that Rock Island train get by that engineerman gonna talk back to the depot agent with his whistle and this is what he gonna tell him, ' I thank you, I thank you, I thank you, ' now that ol' Rock Island Line train is a gettin on down the road,

The Rock Island Line is a mighty good road, etc etc etc.

Dave H