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Thread #132175   Message #2988902
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
17-Sep-10 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: Play by Ear V Play from written music?
Subject: RE: Play by Ear V Play from written music?
Several things: What I posted to you earlier, is the quickest, more sure way, to translate from a tune you are thinking, to your fingers. In fact, if you develop through PRACTICING, and developing 'muscle memory', then as fast as you can think it, you can play it! This is what people who read('dots'), try to get to. Just like people who don't read, but wish they could(but won't admit it, because they're too lazy), know the frustrations, of the limitations of their education, people who read, often have a frustration, that they HAVE to read!!!

HOWEVER, music that comes from the heart and soul, of the player, SHOULD NOT be impaired by the limitations, and mental blocks, that they impose upon themselves!!! Neither should you have an instrument that 'gets in the way'!!!

Written music was written for one musician to COMMUNICATE to other musicians, just what the composer had in mind, in relaying the tune, to other support musicians, so they could all have a clue, as to what in the hell the piece of music is suppose to sound like! others can play it, either with them, or later. It is not a curse!

Also, musical terms, are STANDARDIZED. Intervals are intervals..they are NOT 'pauses'. An 'interval' is the space between notes, as in half or whole steps(or a series of them). Pauses, are delays of time, usually between phrases of notes...and the term is 'rests'..(though between musicians familiar with each other, they could say, '..put a slight pause, between this note and that note..")

the reason for this, is so two musicians can know what the hell you're talking about! Using wrong terminologies, is just another way of telling people that you are ignorant, and don't know what the hell you're talking about!!....and if music is your passion, LEARN IT!!..How to play, how to communicate, how to allow your heart and soul to freely come out, WITHOUT offering excuses why it CAN'T.

'Folkies', and a lot of 'Blues players' are noted for not knowing much about music, other than to play a limited amount of the same ol' shit over and over again, with maybe slight variations. THIS IS BORING!!...Not only in playing, but to the listener! So, these people are usually stuck in the past, holding dearly on to their particular brain-lock!..Instead of learning 'voice leading'..they just beat on their guitars harder, to emphasize, something they hear in their heads, but can't play!..Shame, shame shame!.....If you have something to say through your 'ax', for God's sakes, get off your lazy asses, and learn how to play it!!!

The hints I gave you earlier IS the path, that most ALL proficient professional musicians strive for..and YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Once you get that down, here's some more 'little' tidbits:
This is not difficult..for there are three basic patterns on the guitar. The rest is just where you start.* (Actually there are FIVE patterns, but three will get you by, and astonish your listeners!!)

*Meaning, where you put '0ne' (Do, as in Do Re Mi). I'm sure there are charts to the patterns online.

Start with one finger per fret, and move up or down, across the fretboard to complete the scale. Then use the handy hint, I gave you earlier, to grab intervals, (let's say, 1-3-5-7...or 1-4-5...and 6-2-5-1) within those 'shapes'. Practice them over and over till you

Now, that is enough for now. TRY IT!!

I know people like 'Will Fly' (a very proficient player),and others KNOW exactly what I'm talking about! I'm to understand 'Donuel', has conducted, so he probably knows too!

Don't slack off. Music is a gift!!! Learn as much as you can about your gift, as to say, 'Thank You, for the gift'!!

Awaiting Either Results from Those who Tried It, or stupid, dumb excuses from those who WON"T!