The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132175   Message #2988993
Posted By: Edthefolkie
17-Sep-10 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: Play by Ear V Play from written music?
Subject: RE: Play by Ear V Play from written music?
I think as others have said it's not versus, it's plus, and the vital addition is practice. I've always had a very good ear, and used to be able to read stave notation pretty well - for singing, piano etc. anyway, so managed OK.

Make no mistake though, reading dots can go if you don't keep at it. In my experience it wasn't like riding a bike! I was severely embarrassed a few years ago when I was suddenly promoted to page turner for the organist at Choral Evensong at Gloucester Cathedral, and lost it halfway through a Herbert Howells piece. The scene in the organ loft was interesting and not exactly religious for a few seconds - luckily a better reader was standing behind me....

Now said organist has composed a strathspey, keeps sending me ever more complicated accompaniment dots for it for comment(he's on version 5 or something and the chords are approaching those of Vaughan Williams) and I'm really going to have to sit down and have a bash as I haven't heard it so can't fake it!