The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132175   Message #2989086
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
18-Sep-10 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: Play by Ear V Play from written music?
Subject: RE: Play by Ear V Play from written music?
I, too, agree that BOTH reading, and ear is great! One should NOT preclude one over the other...However, reading alone WILL NOT make a virtuosic player. That is when you can play from your heart, and reach the listener's heart. That comes with playing with EXPRESSION, and being able to emote those feelings, that are in your heart, and are universally recognized. The method I gave you is how to get past the obstacles, of trying to 'figure out' where to go, when you hear the music within, and need to grab it on your ax, without guessing! Should you throw a 'clam', you can improvise your way back to 'ONE', and get there on time. People who listen, hear in reverse, and it will make sense to get to 'ONE' on time!!!!

What I gave to you, is invaluable, in fact, absolutely necessary, if you are serious about your music....or, you can always strum 'Kumbayah' by the campfire, and/or learn the 'secret chord progression' of Neil Young, and play that for the rest of your life.........(yawn).

Also, those who play Jazz will find it absolutely essential!

Okay, enough for now.....

Guest from Sanity