The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25398   Message #299042
Posted By: CamiSu
16-Sep-00 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: Cont'd THOUGHTS, terms such as 'nazi'
Subject: RE: Cont'd THOUGHTS, terms such as 'nazi'
Hey Praise, we understand. It's just that you express your Christianity kindly and not aggressively, (actually like most of us try to). We realize you haven't ascended yet, but we'll wave when you do.

Actually to be a bit more serious, you are right about the word sin. As well as the word evil. And breaking the commandments is a bit more than being an a**. Trouble is that the same hypocrites that have hijacked John's beloved fundamentalism and given a lot of good people a very bad name, have hijacked the idea of sin, attached it to those whose only crime is not agreeing with them, and caused any number of people to pitch out the bath water, baby and all. David Gelernter wrote an interesting article on the idea of evil after Ted Kaczynski was arrested. While his viewpoint could certainly be called biased (David lost a hand to a unabomber package) he makes a point that true evil must not be tolerated. click here While I don't agree with all he has to say, I do think we need to stand up to the evil and make sure the one expressing it understands that it is not acceptable, and that it must stop. And Little Hawk, while most people can be tempted by wrong, I would like think that many of us have learned enough to not go along with genocide, though as I think about it the Hutus and Tutsis were able to stir up exactly that altogether too easily. But even there, there were those who refused to go along, as there were in Nazi Germany. One strong leader against wrong can do wonders for the cause of right.

John, please stick around.

I was given a bumper sticker the other day that I really like. 'Love the Bigot, Hate the bigotry'. Not easy to do but necessary for the healing of the world (as I contemplate just how far I am from this ideal).

Love to you all

Cami Su