The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131405   Message #2990791
Posted By: Vic Smith
21-Sep-10 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf?
Subject: RE: EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf?
An email circular from the prominent Folk/Roots/World music agency Frusion - - informs that Nick Hallam has now joined them, at least in the short term. The relevant part of the circular says:-
Hello good morning or maybe good afternoon if you've got round to opening your email late in he day ( happens to us too!) or good evening if you're reading this whilst grabbing a glass or two :-)

Its time to introduce to you our new agent ( and a couple of new acts too! ) Mr Nick Hallam, a great guy and until recently working in the UK at EFDSS , and before that at a number of excellent UK venues including De Montfort Hall , Royal and Derngate ..well the list goes on.

The good news is that Nick is a great arts professional well used to the vagaries of working in venues and with a great overview of what it takes to put on a great show. His specialism is English Folk , but he goes far beyond that of course in working with us here at Frusion. Though all of the acts you can of course still talk to me about , your main man is Nick for these artists.

A couple of the acts you'll see "in association with Nick Hallam" and these artists have been brought to Frusion by Nick as he will be forming his own agency .. so this being the start we've got them under the Frusion banner so you'll get the normal deal from us with all the shows serviced from Frusion's offices in the UK , it makes no difference at all to how we work. ( in fact in the next couple of months watch out for Nick's own website and brand springing up very soon! )

In particular, he will be responsible for working with O'Hooley & Tidow and Hannah James and Sam Sweeney
You can email Nick by clicking here

------------Link fixed. JoeClone