The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132267   Message #2991131
Posted By: Bobert
21-Sep-10 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Would the government LIE to us??
Subject: RE: BS: Would the government LIE to us??
First of all, when it comes to deficits, budgets, etc. there's always gonna be some fuzzy math... I mean, if the deficit seem high then convert it to percentage of the GNP... Ahhhhh. much better...

So let's get real here when we talk about some very abstract thing that would get an room full of economists arguing over...

But here's the deal...

In the period from 2000 to 2008 when Bush was runnin' up record deficits how many bb posts dealt with them??? Give up??? Zero!!! Yeah, that is amazing... No one post on the deficit as long as a Repub was in office...

Secondly, Bush did some very dirty little tricks by stickin' the next administration with lots of spending and debt service that was going to insure that it would take that next administration (Repub or Dem) at least a 1st term to get it under control... Kinda like that gift that keeps on giving...

But nevermind those incidentals...
