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Thread #43326   Message #2991266
Posted By: evansakes
22-Sep-10 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: Neil Young...and his music
Subject: RE: Neil Young...and his music
I'd say with Neil you should always keep a sense of perspective.

He's behind a lot of the most sublime music I've ever heard but also responsible for some of the most self-indulgent claptrap ever released. First and foremost he's an iconoclast...artistic expression is often more important to him than pure artistry. Sometimes his prime motive is to shock rather than entertain. Also he's not a good editor and probably for several decades he's not had anyone alongside him who he needs to listen to....I sense many in his circle haven't got the balls to say "No, Neil, that's not a good idea". Or if they do he certainly doesn't listen.

I reckon I've heard 95% of the stuff he's released and own probably 75%. There are some real clunkers in my collection ('Landing On Water' from the mid 80's is probably the nadir). Interesting that all Arthur's links above are to tracks from 'After The Gold Rush' and 'Harvest'. I'm also a big fan of 'Comes A Time' and 'Hawks and Doves'. 'On The Beach' is another favourite. But they're all from the 70's. Since then there's been much more chaff than wheat

I've listened to several tracks from Le Noise and don't much like what I hear. OK, so he's discovered sampling (and dives in headlong) but it's not that I object to. It's the lazy, half-assed songs that are the problem. This latest infatuation will wear off as quickly as his previous dabbling with vocoders on 'Trans' and synth drums on 'Landing on Water'.

In a year's time I predict he'll be back in Nashville recording a syrupy country album.