The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132267   Message #2991945
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Sep-10 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Would the government LIE to us??
Subject: RE: BS: Would the government LIE to us??
The stupid liberals did the same thing, in California, ran a lot of industry out, and the debt through the ceiling. California, at one time was the sixth richest economy in the WORLD...Now their bonds are teetering on the brink of being 'junk-bonds'..true story!

This kind of wasteful spending, like a drunken sailor, has got to stop...or we all go down!!! ..but they keep doing it to 'appease' their sense of ideological 'do-gooder' folly, while, of course loading their new laws and regulations with as much pork, as they can stuff into everything they touch!..and getting around tax laws, by calling new tax hikes, 'fees', 'surcharges' 'licensing fees' 'surtaxes' 'regulatory charges', 'administration costs' 'additional penalty assessments' so on and so forth. You get the idea.
California is just about down the tubes, thanks to them, and their flagrant stupidity!!!!


P.S. Now Bobert will post some meaningless, semi-literate exclamations of excrement, and say, he hasn't heard of that...or that, they really weren't liberal idiots. That running the state down to poverty and un-payable debt was really for their own good....and anybody who doesn't understand that, is a right wing Tea Bag toting, racist!

There, Bobert, I said it for you....being as it is predictable...and as backward, as a hillbilly can be...or get!