The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132267   Message #2991959
Posted By: Bobert
22-Sep-10 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Would the government LIE to us??
Subject: RE: BS: Would the government LIE to us??
Only times in the past 3 decades has the deficit gone down is swhen Dems have control of the White House...

You wnat some stability to yer bond market then quit parroting Repub bullshit... We have 3 decades of seein' what they will do... They will spend, spend and spend and leave the clean up for those evil "tax 'n spend" Dems... What do ya' think that does to bonds???

So what??? The Tealiban??? Exactly what is their plan for getting California out of the hole??? Elliminate all taxes??? Hmmmmmmmm??? That lot like usin' leeches to ***try*** to cure desease, ain't it???

So what's yer plan, GfinS??? Or is it alot safer just complaining... Sound familiar??? Seems like that has RNC written all over it...

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then...
