The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132073 Message #2992001
Posted By: GUEST,Guest - Lin
23-Sep-10 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Natural gas explosion in California
Subject: RE: BS: Natural gas explosion in California
Just heard on the local news tonight (Sept. 22, 2010) that they have now added 3 more people to the death list from the explosion in San Bruno, California. They are from one family, an 84 year old woman, her son about 50 years old and his son (a teenager but not sure his age) so this brings the total to 7 in that one neighborhood. What a terrible, terrible disaster!
I had also read an article in the local newspaper that the equipment they currently use to detect leaks of this type or magnitude wouldn't have even worked as these were very old gas lines(about 62 years old) and the equipment for leaks made in recent years are for detection of current leaks. (or something like that).