The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132192   Message #2992279
Posted By: Amos
23-Sep-10 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jon Stewarts 'Rally to Restore Sanity'
Subject: RE: BS: Jon Stewarts 'Rally to Restore Sanity'

Stop waving your arms and expostulating hysterically. It doesn't make your point any clearer, you know. Au contraire.

No one is arguing that people under the Dem brand CAN be just as asinine as people under the Republican brand, or for that matter people under the libertarian, anarchic, socialist, internationalist, or any other damn theory-of-group-management brand.

Individual assholes and hypocrites are EASY to find in political schools and camps. Nothing easier.

That does not mean that the whole class--including those in it who are trying to do something positive and make some progress--should be roundly and hysterically condemned by your sweeping assertions.

For one thing, I do not see you making better contributions or suggesting more workable solutions. Whyn't you come up with some?