The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25501 Message #299378
Posted By: Big Mick
17-Sep-00 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: another one lost
Subject: RE: another one lost
Very good post, Ed. I continue to believe that people that leave should simply be wished well, and then we should be about our business. Folks that continually predict the end of the Mudcat as we know it should take notice of how long they have been making this prediction. It goes back as long as I have been here and we just keep chugging along. Kudo's to you and Malcolm for contributing, and mightily so, to those areas of our village that interest you.
Bigotry? The bigotry lies in those that profess to care for the Mudcat as long as it fits their notion of what it should be.
I wish our departed member well, hope they will stop back now and again, and wish those that post anonymously that someday they will grow a backbone and just post. And when someone makes an assertion, such as "well we have lost another one", without any data to back it up, that is called a gratuitous assertion. These can be denied just as gratuitously. So, GUEST, no one has left. In fact, The Mudcat is growing.