The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132251   Message #2994045
Posted By: GUEST,Suibhne Astray
26-Sep-10 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Stephen Fry on The Catholic Church
Subject: RE: BS: Stephen Fry on The Catholic Church
I mean WHAT the **** has happened to us as a species???????

Personally, I find the idea of people making each other happy in public toilets a lot less depraved than the sort of inhumane racket Mother Teresa was operating, much less the cloying for Santification that invariably arises at the mention of her name. The passage that always sticks in my mind: On another occasion, Teresa told a terminal cancer patient, who was dying in extreme pain, that he should consider himself fortunate: "You are suffering like Christ on the cross. So Jesus must be kissing you." (She freely related his reply, which she seemed not to realize was meant as a putdown: "Then please tell him to stop kissing me.")

More depraved than both, however, is the spectacle of Susan Boyle & Daniel O'Donnel singing Our Lady of Knock. Out of common decency, I beg you, not to post links like that again without giving due warning of the sort of deeply offensive horrors they lead to! If I'm in the mood for a spot of the old Marian Devotion (and why not?) I'll listen to something a little more appropriate, something like THIS maybe, which has nice lyrics too:

Mary, asylum for the whole world, protect us. Jesus, refuge all of us, hear us.
Indeed you are our place of refuge, truly a refuge for the whole world.

Jesus, supreme and truthful good. Mary, sweet and most gracious mercy.
In the same way you show your pity to us, we who are strongly oppressed by the vanity of life.

Mary was the salvation for all, Jesus the redeem for the damned.
Fighting ardently for their followers, bearing hard beatings and blows.

Shame Susan Boyle can't sing stuff like that...